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Wear you're imperfection with style!

So ,My name is Andreea and I'm writing for all the new mommy's young or old ones that feel frustrated about their looks!

I'm telling you is normal to have a belly after giving birth ,scars,celulite and the rest so embrace you're self and wear it like you own it and guess what they are really yours !

Cuz you can do it , and be proud of yourself ,that it's the best thing that could ever happen to you !


Deci, ma numesc Andreea si vreau sa scriu pentru toate mamicile tinere sau mai in varsta care se simt frustrate de felul in care arata!

Vreau sa va spun ca este normal sa avem burtica dupa ce dam nastere ,semen,celulita si restul dar fi confidenta in tine si poartale ca si cum at fi ale tale si ghici ce chiar sunt !

poti sa o faci si fi mandra de tine ,dand nastere este cel mai bun lucru care ti se poate intampla!


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