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How can you dye you’re hair with natural ingredients at home !!

For blonde hair - take some camomile tea boil (like one little box of it) put like one little spoon of cinnamon and let it cool down  you can add some lemon also ! 

Pour it in you’re head and then let it for like 30 minutes with a shower cap and a warm towel on it ! 

After wash and dry like usually! 

The result won’t be from the first time wow but like these you won’t have to bleach you’re hair! 

For red hair - take some onions peel them off and then boil the leafs add some red beetroot and some ginger leave it to cool down after that apply to you’re hair and leave it for 20 minutes! 

The time that you stay with it depends on the colour you want to achieve ! 

For dark hair - you need black walnut powder , 

             some rosemary ,and some black tea .

Black walnut powder like 2-3 cups depends on how long is you’re hair a spoon of rosemary and one little box of black tea ! 

Apply to you’re hair and leave t for like 20-30 minutes ! 

All that I’ve written here there are my experiences with the ingredients for some might work for some might not ,but even if you give it a try you would never brake you’re hair ,cuz all of them there are natural and some of them are known for the abilities to make hair grow ! 

Don’t forget if you apply these natural dye for red and dark hair and you want to use the hair mask that I’ve wrote it for you don’t put cinnamon cuz will make the colour of the hair to loose ! 

All the amounts above were all by all hair types and lengths so if you feel to put less or more go ahead with it ! 

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