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Baby you should learn to love yourself

Taking out the winter clothes made me realise how much my body changed through the years. Clothes that I was wearing three years ago now I’m swimming in them. Clothes from last year are too small. Either way, almost nothing fits me. Or I don’t fit anymore with them. Any phase that I went through, I’ve learned to love my body. For me, I didn’t matter that I’m pregnant (fat), or healthy fat, skinny (skeleton)or normal skinny. It doesn’t matter even now that I’m in my standard body capacities. What it does matter is that I love my waist either big or small, my no Breasts, my big or not so big bum’, my tummy after two c-sections, my scars on my belly everything is for me to love and cherish. I would love to have the boobs before pregnancy. For sure I’ll make something about it. You see the problem with small breasts is that you need to have a big brain and all this carrying around it’s heavy. Jokes aside loving yourself is a must, accepting the fact that you are how you are is a must. Falling in love with you first, it’s hard but not impossible, and I’m not saying that we can’t improve ourselves. I’ve seen and heard so many people bullied because of their appearances or sexual orientation or religion, that it makes me think how many of us love ourselves ??! You have to love yourself first; otherwise, you won’t be able to love others. Showing love and support to someone that has problems with their body insecurities it can make that person regain confidence.

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