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I am breathing free through mental health.

Not long ago, I’ve set myself free. I’m free of people that think mental health is something unusual, I’m free of people that try to point you down because you have psychological problems, I’m free of people telling me that I’m “nuts*.” I’m free of people laughing about mental health problems. I’ve never felt so alive until I’ve set myself free. Yes, I admit I do have mental problems, I had depression and anxiety, and much more I still have some, but hey I’m alive, and I’m here. I’ve been through so much, and I know it’s not the end and never will be! I can do this all of us can do this. Having mental problems doesn’t mean that you are the girl from the street or the men from the bar; it can be any of us. If you feel that, ask for help! If you see someone in need of help, don’t hesitate to give and care! Be kind, be beautiful Set us free, be mental!    

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