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Build Overnight

This version of me wasn’t build overnight.

I did not woke up one day and decided ok now let’s be depressed or insecure.

This version of me was built with emotional and mental trauma,with days of convincing myself I can do it,with endless hours talking with a mirror ,explaining that I’ll never feel the same and I’ll never do the same or act the same.

I’ve stepped on levels one by one ,defined my laws and improving my laws,as no new day is the same and no I won’t stop until I get where I’m supposed to feel comfortable enough and even than I’ll evolve a little more.

I’ve had bad relationships and thought that is ok to be treated like that and loved with half pints of measures.

Love is not supposed to hurt and if you have to beg for affection and love I’m sorry but you are not in a healthy relationship and no love requires to be measured or compared.

Consistency is key and here I’m not talking about the shit man consistency that gives you love just when he wants something from You ,that’s a big NO-NO.

When there is consistency in behavior and communication, you begin to know what to expect from the other person.

(Manahil Noman . ,Clinical Psychologist )

Your woman has to be loved,cared and reassured that you’ll be there near her when she needs it even if she doesn’t ask for your help you have to be there near her and if she asks for help is not because maybe she can’t do it but doing it together brings a stronger bond between yous like a couple.

When she asks for help and you show her that you can’t be bothered with her normal demands than she will trust your judgement less and she acknowledges that you are not a conscious partner and she can’t rely on you.

Be careful how you treat your woman as if you decorate her eyes with tears there will be always a man that will want to wipe them away,if you make her doubt herself there will always be a man who will be proud to call her “his”and show her real love and safety.

If you can’t be man enough to offer her what she needs than leave another to show his appreciation for her.

But and this is a big But you want her in your life and you really love her ,give her your time ,love and affection and don’t forget about consistency.

Remember there is always a man out there that is waiting for you to fuck it up.

Devilicious Thoughts.

(I had this in notes for over 2 years not exactly like this as I had to edit more and go through more 😂😂😂but I’m happy when I have people reading my stuff and I hope some of you find yourself in my texts).


Daniel Toader
Aug 05, 2021

Lovely and courageous❤️

Aug 05, 2021
Replying to

Aww Thank you so so much 🥰🥰🥰

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