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Devilicious at War

When we get in a new relationship (love, friendship)we always hope that the person that we get in a relationship with will do the same things for us as we do for them, and that is a statement.

I'm the person that can be trusted with everything, but I can't have trust in most of the people whom I know.

Scientist claim that we start not trusting the people near us, as a matter of maturity of thoughts, believes and let us not forget about past disappointments.

Whenever I meet someone new I never trust them and I think all of us have the same self barrier of protecting ourselves from the unknown gremlins that we talk and meet.

My problem is that now I'm at war with myself as someone told me that they always give the person that they meet a little bit of trust, and thinking back I did give people lets say 5% of my trust some of them grew to 100%and some of them made me lose even that 5% that I have given in the first place.

Today after a small chat with a special person from my life I decided I will meditate to try and gather all the information spilt' but my thoughts flew to the trust issues that I always start to get, and I've thought what are the principles that might help us to regain that trust in the people that we have near us or to build a trust bond with the people that we newly meet.

And I've come again to the number 5 (guess is my lucky number).

A. Honesty - honesty never hurt anyone, so if we want to regain someone's trust we have to be honest.

B.Integrity- evolving with integrity, shaped by your values and principles, makes you a person worthy of trust.

C. Nondefensiveness - means that you have a realistic view of yourself.

D.Understanding- appreciation and respect for the uniqueness of the other person and accepting their views.

E. Communication- within talking with the other person we can clarify why we don't trust them and how can we make this happen.

As from today, I won't say that I don't trust people totally, I'll explain to them about 5% and how easy is to lose that start or how easy to bring 100% at the table. I've fought hard for my beliefs to be heard and seen, so when someone tries to come to BS me, DO NOT DO IT.

I accept new points of view or new ways of looking at new things in my life but, let's not lie as that is the lowest thing that a person can do.

DO NOT LIE by telling someone that is, beautiful (not body or appearance), when they are not.

DO NOT LIE by telling someone that you love them when you are not.

DO NOT LIE by telling someone that you feel pity for them when you are not. E.t.c...


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