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Hungry of love

He said I’ve gave you everything and I did everything for you

And I’ve said

You gave me everything I havent asked and told you I’ll never want,you gave me tears,doubts and mistrust ,you gave me endless nights of sobbing and thinking about myself that I’m not enough.

I haven’t ask for any of that,you haven’t done anything for me ,all that you did was for you to shift the blame on me ,as you couldn’t be hold accountable for the problems we were facing.

And when you said I love you or loved I felt more crumbled than ever ,as you don’t hurt people that you love ,you don’t get them through mud and after you had enough with them make them believe ohh I had enough of fighting for us(when I was fighting for your ego to be shut ) as I’m bored now and my social media swag is more important than any chance I have now ,oh wait again let me rub it in your face you are not that important and I don’t need to spend time with you as I’m to busy to do what anyone else wants me to do...

If you can’t remember what I’ve asked I’ll let you know right here:

  • Attention

  • Love

  • Truth

  • Compromise

  • Comprehensive thoughts

  • Understanding

  • A partner

  • A friend

  • A shoulder to cry on

  • Respect

The things that you gave me or made in relationship....

I haven’t asked for any of that and guess what I’ll never will.

And I’ve loved you and I still do and I can’t get over it and I will not so soon,but believe me when I’ll do it’s because I’ll never want to be loved like that anymore, and It took my last strength to get over you.

It took me all the courage to start again and all the hope that I’ll be me again.

Now I’m crying once again thinking I’ve lost my love on someone who couldn’t love me back.

Now I’m doubting any little compliment I’ve ever received from you,I’m doubting my thoughts and my love for me,loving you made me forget how to love me.

I forgot how it is to be touched body,mind and mostly my soul.

I’m missing a I’m proud of you said truthfully.

And maybe you missed them as well and frankly now you blame me for not giving you all this but have you forgot when I’ve done it and I didn’t received anything back?

They say it’s love when you give and you don’t expect anything back ,that’s not a fair trade is it?

And I’m not sorry for being in love with you, I’m not sorry that I’ve stayed loyal and truthful to you,I’m not sorry I’ve tried to have a family ,I’m not sorry I gave up my time to be with you...

I’m sorry I couldn’t be that person that could make you happy ,I’m sorry I wasn’t enough for you but nevertheless not enough for me.

I’m sorry for me ,for being so blinded of your words that I couldn’t listen to your actions.

I’m sorry for not believing in me and everything I had stand before I’ve met you.

Days had past and I had hopes, but hopes will never feed your hunger of love.


Somethings that I write there are not always from my experience some of the texts I write regarding different situations are from my friends life stories or simple people that I think must be heard or read.(I still have some texts to edit and put on the blog so bear with me )

😈ilicious Thoughts!


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