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The sacrifice of a relationship

26.08.2020 Eveytime when we start a new relationship we always think that things will go so wow and you found your person that will compliment your life.

Sadly enough it is not always the same as we think or we don’t know to do almost the same sacrifice,that the other one is making for the relationship to work.

We’ve always heard the next words from our significant other like “why do you think we don’t spend enough time with each other,we stay and watch tv ,or she stays near me when I’m playing video games.

A relationship shouldn’t have so much work ,or why should we talk all this all over again...or all you do is cry and I’m trying my best to fix and work on our relationship.”

I think is funny how their little brain is “not” working.

Well first of all watching tv is not always spending quality time as that is something happening everyday,her staying near you watching you play is not the same as spending quality time with each other.And all the actions done together but by yourself is not working or fixing anything just your dose of you being you.

I’ve seen women’s of stone getting emotional or crying ,and I’ve seen stone men’s getting emotional or crying so crying is not a shame as it helps us relive some of the stress build up.

Coming back to our subject a relationship it is not 50/50 as one person is always sharing more or sacrifice more for the better of the relationship.

I’ve seen males giving 60 and females giving 40. I’ve seen males giving 40 and females giving 60.It can be more or less but it would never be 50/50.

This year reminded me that my worth is within myself and not in the person that I have near me.

Devilicious thoughts😈


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